Titania McGrath

1248 days ago

Struggling for an ideal Christmas present for a lefty in your life? Here’s an idea – think of Fiona Bruce

No this is not for the Mrs, a card carrying member of the Labour Party, who has a rather nice present sitting in one of the barns at the Welsh Hovel. There are other lefties in my life, notably, almost my entire family. And thus, each year, one struggles for a suitable present for such folks. After all, you have already given them in prior years the complete works of Ayn Rand and Titania McGrath. What to do in 2020?  


1424 days ago

Twitter suspends Titania Mcgrath again but gives a blue tick to a Jew hater to spew lies to 100,000 followers

Poor old Titania Mcgrath suffered another temporary twitter ban this week. Dare to suggest on this platform that there are 2 not 108 genders, that you have reservations about your teenage daughter sharing a changing room with a bearded “woman” with a penis, or that Israel might be allowed to defend itself and you get banned. Twitter only seems to believe in free speech if you say the correct things. Take this little gem below. Ali Abunimah has a blue tick so does twitter condemn his absurd Jew hatred which sees him accuse a Jewish activist, David Harris, of “holocaust revisionism” as he defends the desecration of Churchill’s statue in London by Black Lives Matter activists?


1578 days ago

Photo article: Bad News for @TitaniaMcGrath – she has a rival as the UK’s leading woke poet

I found this in Pickering in the far North of England. I am sure Titania McGrath would not visit a place like this as it is horribly white and full of Brexit supporting racists. But there does appear a voice of sanity in this sea of fascism. Meet poet Howard Owen Griffiths.


1691 days ago

Twitter bans the voice of woke - #FreeTitania

As @Titania McGrath has said so many times, for free speech to flourish it is vital that all those with the wrong opinions are no platformed and silenced. But twitter just showed, once again, that all capitalists are fascists by handing out a seven day ban to Titania herself. I have already started work on lighting a candle at the Welsh Hovel as I am sure that as such acts combat terror it will also serve to liberate Titania whose recent tweet about the late former President of Zim served to show how biased and out of touch the MSM and twitter is. Titania noted “I can’t help but think that all this criticism of Robert Mugabe is just another attempt to demonise people of colour.“ Twitter may have silenced the voice of woke for a week but the cries of freedom can never be silenced. A statement has been issued:


1883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: happy International Women's Day with Myra Hindley

I trust that you are celebrating this day in a culturaly appropriate manner. I merely commend to you the tweet of the activist Titania McGrath and also commend to you her book "Woke" which out yesterday. I have given copies to the Mrs and daughter Olaf to celebrate IWD with them. I also look at Own Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), idiot knobs and Big Sofa (BST), Andalas (ADL) and Flybe (FLYB).  If you enjoyed this bearcast, follow Jim Mellon and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


1998 days ago

The Genius of Titania McGrath Part 2 - The Gender gap & the myth

I have flagged up before the twitter genius that is @TitaniaMcGrath a radical intersectional feminist on twitter. Her true genius is that her account is a parody but it is so plausible that folks get really angry with "her" dismissing her as just another idiot uber-liberal millenial. Yesterday's offering, below, is another classic which has generated an amazing response from those with no sense of humour or who are just plain dumb. But as with all great parody a serious point is made about some of the rubbish talked about gender equality.  Enjoy.


1998 days ago

The Genius of Titania McGrath Part 1 - Tom Cruise & Su Pollard - the gender pay gap

I have flagged up before the twitter genius that is @TitaniaMcGrath a radical intersectional feminist on twitter. Her true genius is that her account is a parody but it is so plausible that folks get really angry with "her" dismissing her as just another idiot uber-liberal millenial. Today's offering, below, is another classic which has generated an amazing response from those with no sense of humour or who are just plain dumb. But as with all great parody a serious point is made about some of the rubbish talked about gender equality.  Enjoy.
